Office Holiday Schedule
The CSL Office will be closed from Tuesday, December 24, through Wednesday, January 1.
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Weekly Announcements
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Registration Sign-Ups
Start Your Day with a Spiritual Practice!  Monday-Friday at 7 AM, the Practitioners are offering weekday spiritual practices (prayer, meditation, readings, etc.) to anyone who would like a spiritual morning lift to their day. Zoom in a couple of minutes before 7AM for 5-10 minutes of spiritual awakening! Topic: Zoom Meeting Morning Spiritual Practices Time: This […]
This group meets in person every Wednesday evening from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. at CSL. There is no fee for this meeting. The group focuses on Science of Mind spiritual principles as they relate to recovery.
Wednesdays from 7-8 PM in the Classroom starting 1/31/24 Contact Cathy B, 360-600-1949, for further information.
Start Your Day with a Spiritual Practice!  Monday-Friday at 7 AM, the Practitioners are offering weekday spiritual practices (prayer, meditation, readings, etc.) to anyone who would like a spiritual morning lift to their day. Zoom in a couple of minutes before 7AM for 5-10 minutes of spiritual awakening! Topic: Zoom Meeting Morning Spiritual Practices Time: This […]
Longevity Stick 12 Movements Longevity Stick 12 Movements /Low-impact, Slow, Rhythmic Movements to enhance balance, flexibility, strength, breathing, mental focus & vitality! Weekly classes, Tuesday & Thursday, 2 pm to 3 pm/CSL Sanctuary, 2224 Yew Street Road, Bellingham. No fee/Love Offering. More Info + Registration:Â Contact Instructor Wanda Maddox:
Start Your Day with a Spiritual Practice!  Monday-Friday at 7 AM, the Practitioners are offering weekday spiritual practices (prayer, meditation, readings, etc.) to anyone who would like a spiritual morning lift to their day. Zoom in a couple of minutes before 7AM for 5-10 minutes of spiritual awakening! Topic: Zoom Meeting Morning Spiritual Practices Time: This […]
Saturday, January 4, 4:00 – 7:00 pm, DANCE, EAT, PARTY!  For planning purposes and a head count, please sign up at the Ask Me desk if you plan to attend and the number of people in your party. Alternatively, you may RSVP on our website. Early RSVP is greatly encouraged. RSVPs are no […]
Every Sunday in the Classroom Join us in the classroom at 10 am before Service for a 15-minute meditation led by some of our lovely practitioners. This is a free offering to bring you into a deeper connection with Spirit and inner Peace. We invite you to enter through the Sanctuary via the hallway to […]
Children's program & nursery/toddler care Children's educational program and infant/toddler care are available during every Sunday Service. We are delighted to announce that we have found wonderful people who will begin helping with our baby and toddler program in the Office.  If you are a parent of an infant or toddler, we invite you to come […]
Speaker:  Dr. Bob Deen, Bellingham Interim Minister This week we explore the basic idea from our teaching, that God's Nature is Our Nature. "Where is my spatula" dives into the real issues of letting go of what was and opening to what can be as part of our natural participation in the nature of life, […]
Start Your Day with a Spiritual Practice!  Monday-Friday at 7 AM, the Practitioners are offering weekday spiritual practices (prayer, meditation, readings, etc.) to anyone who would like a spiritual morning lift to their day. Zoom in a couple of minutes before 7AM for 5-10 minutes of spiritual awakening! Topic: Zoom Meeting Morning Spiritual Practices Time: This […]
This Buddhist meditation group gathers on Monday evenings (in-person and via Zoom) at 5:45 for those in person practicing walking meditation or 6:00 for those on Zoom. Meditation ends around 7:15 PM. For further information, please contact Andrea Asebedo at You are very welcome to attend!
Join Joe Asebedo in a Tai Chi-like moving meditation every Tuesday at 7:00 AM. When weather permits, the meditation is held outside.
Start Your Day with a Spiritual Practice!  Monday-Friday at 7 AM, the Practitioners are offering weekday spiritual practices (prayer, meditation, readings, etc.) to anyone who would like a spiritual morning lift to their day. Zoom in a couple of minutes before 7AM for 5-10 minutes of spiritual awakening! Topic: Zoom Meeting Morning Spiritual Practices Time: This […]
Longevity Stick 12 Movements Longevity Stick 12 Movements /Low-impact, Slow, Rhythmic Movements to enhance balance, flexibility, strength, breathing, mental focus & vitality! Weekly classes, Tuesday & Thursday, 2 pm to 3 pm/CSL Sanctuary, 2224 Yew Street Road, Bellingham. No fee/Love Offering. More Info + Registration:Â Contact Instructor Wanda Maddox:
Start Your Day with a Spiritual Practice!  Monday-Friday at 7 AM, the Practitioners are offering weekday spiritual practices (prayer, meditation, readings, etc.) to anyone who would like a spiritual morning lift to their day. Zoom in a couple of minutes before 7AM for 5-10 minutes of spiritual awakening! Topic: Zoom Meeting Morning Spiritual Practices Time: This […]
Spirit at Work is a monthly, in-person, breakfast meeting to create a supportive, prayerful community of entrepreneurs and business employees who want to experience the power of spiritual principles and practices in the workplace. The Spirit at Work breakfast meeting will be hosted on the first Wednesday of every month (except July and August). Meetings […]
This group meets in person every Wednesday evening from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. at CSL. There is no fee for this meeting. The group focuses on Science of Mind spiritual principles as they relate to recovery.
2nd and 4th Wednesdays from 7-8 PM in the Sanctuary Make a joyful noise and raise your spirits as you raise the roof in a drum circle that includes percussion instruments of all sorts. This drum circle is open to anyone! Lots of percussion instruments available, so come on and join the fun! 2nd and […]
Wednesdays from 7-8 PM in the Classroom starting 1/31/24 Contact Cathy B, 360-600-1949, for further information.
Start Your Day with a Spiritual Practice!  Monday-Friday at 7 AM, the Practitioners are offering weekday spiritual practices (prayer, meditation, readings, etc.) to anyone who would like a spiritual morning lift to their day. Zoom in a couple of minutes before 7AM for 5-10 minutes of spiritual awakening! Topic: Zoom Meeting Morning Spiritual Practices Time: This […]
Longevity Stick 12 Movements Longevity Stick 12 Movements /Low-impact, Slow, Rhythmic Movements to enhance balance, flexibility, strength, breathing, mental focus & vitality! Weekly classes, Tuesday & Thursday, 2 pm to 3 pm/CSL Sanctuary, 2224 Yew Street Road, Bellingham. No fee/Love Offering. More Info + Registration:Â Contact Instructor Wanda Maddox:
Please join us in the CSL Office on 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 6:30 – 8:30, for a Reiki share. We will have a short meditation followed by a short attunement, a quick explanation of the Reiki principles, and then group healing, during which each person takes turns receiving healing hands from the group. It is […]
Start Your Day with a Spiritual Practice!  Monday-Friday at 7 AM, the Practitioners are offering weekday spiritual practices (prayer, meditation, readings, etc.) to anyone who would like a spiritual morning lift to their day. Zoom in a couple of minutes before 7AM for 5-10 minutes of spiritual awakening! Topic: Zoom Meeting Morning Spiritual Practices Time: This […]
Come join us this month when we gather to share our Reiki with each other – all practitioners and all lineages are welcome. We meet on the second Saturday of each month, from 10-noon in the classroom. There is no cost for the share, but donations are welcome and given to CSL for their support […]
Every Sunday in the Classroom Join us in the classroom at 10 am before Service for a 15-minute meditation led by some of our lovely practitioners. This is a free offering to bring you into a deeper connection with Spirit and inner Peace. We invite you to enter through the Sanctuary via the hallway to […]
Children's program & nursery/toddler care Children's educational program and infant/toddler care are available during every Sunday Service. We are delighted to announce that we have found wonderful people who will begin helping with our baby and toddler program in the Office.  If you are a parent of an infant or toddler, we invite you to come […]
Speaker: Dr. Bob Deen, Bellingham Interim Minister The Infinite works for us by working through us. This gives us a great deal of power and possibility in the stretch. It raises the questions: What do we believe about change? What are we willing to allow into our consciousness as possibilities? Are we willing to uplevel […]
Attend our Men's Group! The CSL Bellingham MEN’S GROUP meets on the second Sunday of each month @ Noon in the Classroom The group’s purpose is supporting you in living a greater spiritual consciousness, resulting in peace and connection. Email Phillip Flores, RScP, with any questions you may have at
All self- identified women are warmly invited to join us! We will be exploring The Purpose of Being. September 10 from noon to 1:30pm.
START YOUR DAY WITH SPIRITUAL PRACTICE! A NEW LINK HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED, starting Jan. 6, 2025 Monday-Friday at 7 AM, the Practitioners offer daily affirmative prayers and other practices to anyone who would like a spiritual morning lift to their day. Sign on early because the prayers will start on time and typically only last […]
This Buddhist meditation group gathers on Monday evenings (in-person and via Zoom) at 5:45 for those in person practicing walking meditation or 6:00 for those on Zoom. Meditation ends around 7:15 PM. For further information, please contact Andrea Asebedo at You are very welcome to attend!
START YOUR DAY WITH SPIRITUAL PRACTICE! A NEW LINK HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED, starting Jan. 6, 2025 Monday-Friday at 7 AM, the Practitioners offer daily affirmative prayers and other practices to anyone who would like a spiritual morning lift to their day. Sign on early because the prayers will start on time and typically only last […]
Join Joe Asebedo in a Tai Chi-like moving meditation every Tuesday at 7:00 AM. When weather permits, the meditation is held outside.
Longevity Stick 12 Movements Longevity Stick 12 Movements /Low-impact, Slow, Rhythmic Movements to enhance balance, flexibility, strength, breathing, mental focus & vitality! Weekly classes, Tuesday & Thursday, 2 pm to 3 pm/CSL Sanctuary, 2224 Yew Street Road, Bellingham. No fee/Love Offering. More Info + Registration:Â Contact Instructor Wanda Maddox:
START YOUR DAY WITH SPIRITUAL PRACTICE! A NEW LINK HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED, starting Jan. 6, 2025 Monday-Friday at 7 AM, the Practitioners offer daily affirmative prayers and other practices to anyone who would like a spiritual morning lift to their day. Sign on early because the prayers will start on time and typically only last […]
This group meets in person every Wednesday evening from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. at CSL. There is no fee for this meeting. The group focuses on Science of Mind spiritual principles as they relate to recovery.
Wednesdays from 7-8 PM in the Classroom starting 1/31/24 Contact Cathy B, 360-600-1949, for further information.
START YOUR DAY WITH SPIRITUAL PRACTICE! A NEW LINK HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED, starting Jan. 6, 2025 Monday-Friday at 7 AM, the Practitioners offer daily affirmative prayers and other practices to anyone who would like a spiritual morning lift to their day. Sign on early because the prayers will start on time and typically only last […]
Longevity Stick 12 Movements Longevity Stick 12 Movements /Low-impact, Slow, Rhythmic Movements to enhance balance, flexibility, strength, breathing, mental focus & vitality! Weekly classes, Tuesday & Thursday, 2 pm to 3 pm/CSL Sanctuary, 2224 Yew Street Road, Bellingham. No fee/Love Offering. More Info + Registration:Â Contact Instructor Wanda Maddox:
START YOUR DAY WITH SPIRITUAL PRACTICE! A NEW LINK HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED, starting Jan. 6, 2025 Monday-Friday at 7 AM, the Practitioners offer daily affirmative prayers and other practices to anyone who would like a spiritual morning lift to their day. Sign on early because the prayers will start on time and typically only last […]
Every Sunday in the Classroom Join us in the classroom at 10 am before Service for a 15-minute meditation led by some of our lovely practitioners. This is a free offering to bring you into a deeper connection with Spirit and inner Peace. We invite you to enter through the Sanctuary via the hallway to […]
Children's program & nursery/toddler care Children's educational program and infant/toddler care are available during every Sunday Service. We are delighted to announce that we have found wonderful people who will begin helping with our baby and toddler program in the Office.  If you are a parent of an infant or toddler, we invite you to come […]
Speaker: Cynthia Clay, RScP, Bellingham CSL Have you ever experienced being "in the flow" when you are in complete alignment with Spirit? It feels effortless and satisfying. The psychology of happiness describes what is needed to reach a flow state, whether you are meditating, practicing yoga, composing a song, or playing pickleball.
COMMUNITY SONG CIRCLE with Taber Darland Sunday, Jan. 19 @ 6:30-8pm Join Bellingham CSL music director Taber Darland as they facilitate a community song circle. Songs shared will be simple and easy to learn. As the song grows, layering harmonies and different parts may be added. This is a super fun way to be in […]
START YOUR DAY WITH SPIRITUAL PRACTICE! A NEW LINK HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED, starting Jan. 6, 2025 Monday-Friday at 7 AM, the Practitioners offer daily affirmative prayers and other practices to anyone who would like a spiritual morning lift to their day. Sign on early because the prayers will start on time and typically only last […]
This Buddhist meditation group gathers on Monday evenings (in-person and via Zoom) at 5:45 for those in person practicing walking meditation or 6:00 for those on Zoom. Meditation ends around 7:15 PM. For further information, please contact Andrea Asebedo at You are very welcome to attend!
Join Joe Asebedo in a Tai Chi-like moving meditation every Tuesday at 7:00 AM. When weather permits, the meditation is held outside.
START YOUR DAY WITH SPIRITUAL PRACTICE! A NEW LINK HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED, starting Jan. 6, 2025 Monday-Friday at 7 AM, the Practitioners offer daily affirmative prayers and other practices to anyone who would like a spiritual morning lift to their day. Sign on early because the prayers will start on time and typically only last […]
Longevity Stick 12 Movements Longevity Stick 12 Movements /Low-impact, Slow, Rhythmic Movements to enhance balance, flexibility, strength, breathing, mental focus & vitality! Weekly classes, Tuesday & Thursday, 2 pm to 3 pm/CSL Sanctuary, 2224 Yew Street Road, Bellingham. No fee/Love Offering. More Info + Registration:Â Contact Instructor Wanda Maddox:
START YOUR DAY WITH SPIRITUAL PRACTICE! A NEW LINK HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED, starting Jan. 6, 2025 Monday-Friday at 7 AM, the Practitioners offer daily affirmative prayers and other practices to anyone who would like a spiritual morning lift to their day. Sign on early because the prayers will start on time and typically only last […]
This group meets in person every Wednesday evening from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. at CSL. There is no fee for this meeting. The group focuses on Science of Mind spiritual principles as they relate to recovery.
2nd and 4th Wednesdays from 7-8 PM in the Sanctuary Make a joyful noise and raise your spirits as you raise the roof in a drum circle that includes percussion instruments of all sorts. This drum circle is open to anyone! Lots of percussion instruments available, so come on and join the fun! 2nd and […]
Wednesdays from 7-8 PM in the Classroom starting 1/31/24 Contact Cathy B, 360-600-1949, for further information.
START YOUR DAY WITH SPIRITUAL PRACTICE! A NEW LINK HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED, starting Jan. 6, 2025 Monday-Friday at 7 AM, the Practitioners offer daily affirmative prayers and other practices to anyone who would like a spiritual morning lift to their day. Sign on early because the prayers will start on time and typically only last […]
Longevity Stick 12 Movements Longevity Stick 12 Movements /Low-impact, Slow, Rhythmic Movements to enhance balance, flexibility, strength, breathing, mental focus & vitality! Weekly classes, Tuesday & Thursday, 2 pm to 3 pm/CSL Sanctuary, 2224 Yew Street Road, Bellingham. No fee/Love Offering. More Info + Registration:Â Contact Instructor Wanda Maddox:
Please join us in the CSL Office on 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 6:30 - 8:30, for a Reiki share. We will have a short meditation followed by a short attunement, a quick explanation of the Reiki principles, and then group healing, during which each person takes turns receiving healing hands from the group. It is […]
START YOUR DAY WITH SPIRITUAL PRACTICE! A NEW LINK HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED, starting Jan. 6, 2025 Monday-Friday at 7 AM, the Practitioners offer daily affirmative prayers and other practices to anyone who would like a spiritual morning lift to their day. Sign on early because the prayers will start on time and typically only last […]
Every Sunday in the Classroom Join us in the classroom at 10 am before Service for a 15-minute meditation led by some of our lovely practitioners. This is a free offering to bring you into a deeper connection with Spirit and inner Peace. We invite you to enter through the Sanctuary via the hallway to […]
Children's program & nursery/toddler care Children's educational program and infant/toddler care are available during every Sunday Service. We are delighted to announce that we have found wonderful people who will begin helping with our baby and toddler program in the Office.  If you are a parent of an infant or toddler, we invite you to come […]
Speaker: Rev. Debora Gay, Staff Minister, Bellingham CSL We can empower ourselves to make conscious choices that open doors to limitless opportunities. But how do we do this? We can learn to shift our mindset and take inspired action that moves us into a future filled with potential and promise. But it does take practice. […]
START YOUR DAY WITH SPIRITUAL PRACTICE! A NEW LINK HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED, starting Jan. 6, 2025 Monday-Friday at 7 AM, the Practitioners offer daily affirmative prayers and other practices to anyone who would like a spiritual morning lift to their day. Sign on early because the prayers will start on time and typically only last […]
This Buddhist meditation group gathers on Monday evenings (in-person and via Zoom) at 5:45 for those in person practicing walking meditation or 6:00 for those on Zoom. Meditation ends around 7:15 PM. For further information, please contact Andrea Asebedo at You are very welcome to attend!
START YOUR DAY WITH SPIRITUAL PRACTICE! A NEW LINK HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED, starting Jan. 6, 2025 Monday-Friday at 7 AM, the Practitioners offer daily affirmative prayers and other practices to anyone who would like a spiritual morning lift to their day. Sign on early because the prayers will start on time and typically only last […]
Join Joe Asebedo in a Tai Chi-like moving meditation every Tuesday at 7:00 AM. When weather permits, the meditation is held outside.
Longevity Stick 12 Movements Longevity Stick 12 Movements /Low-impact, Slow, Rhythmic Movements to enhance balance, flexibility, strength, breathing, mental focus & vitality! Weekly classes, Tuesday & Thursday, 2 pm to 3 pm/CSL Sanctuary, 2224 Yew Street Road, Bellingham. No fee/Love Offering. More Info + Registration:Â Contact Instructor Wanda Maddox:
START YOUR DAY WITH SPIRITUAL PRACTICE! A NEW LINK HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED, starting Jan. 6, 2025 Monday-Friday at 7 AM, the Practitioners offer daily affirmative prayers and other practices to anyone who would like a spiritual morning lift to their day. Sign on early because the prayers will start on time and typically only last […]
This group meets in person every Wednesday evening from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. at CSL. There is no fee for this meeting. The group focuses on Science of Mind spiritual principles as they relate to recovery.
Wednesdays from 7-8 PM in the Classroom starting 1/31/24 Contact Cathy B, 360-600-1949, for further information.
START YOUR DAY WITH SPIRITUAL PRACTICE! A NEW LINK HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED, starting Jan. 6, 2025 Monday-Friday at 7 AM, the Practitioners offer daily affirmative prayers and other practices to anyone who would like a spiritual morning lift to their day. Sign on early because the prayers will start on time and typically only last […]
Longevity Stick 12 Movements Longevity Stick 12 Movements /Low-impact, Slow, Rhythmic Movements to enhance balance, flexibility, strength, breathing, mental focus & vitality! Weekly classes, Tuesday & Thursday, 2 pm to 3 pm/CSL Sanctuary, 2224 Yew Street Road, Bellingham. No fee/Love Offering. More Info + Registration:Â Contact Instructor Wanda Maddox:
START YOUR DAY WITH SPIRITUAL PRACTICE! A NEW LINK HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED, starting Jan. 6, 2025 Monday-Friday at 7 AM, the Practitioners offer daily affirmative prayers and other practices to anyone who would like a spiritual morning lift to their day. Sign on early because the prayers will start on time and typically only last […]