Supporting your spiritual journey
Online Prayer Request

At the Center for Spiritual Living Bellingham, we practice a form of affirmative prayer called “Spiritual Mind Treatment.” Affirmative prayer is a powerful process that shifts our consciousness so that we are open and available to accepting the good that is already present in our lives.
The Center offers a convenient way to ask for spiritual support: online prayer requests. Your prayer request is sent to our Licensed Prayer Practitioners, who are here to support and serve you.
The moment you decide to seek a greater experience, the healing begins. Complete the online prayer request form below. Know that your prayer request and any personal information will be kept entirely confidential.
Prayer Pactitioners are specifically trained to help you with affirmative prayer (Spiritual Mind Treatment). They treat for the one requesting prayer. If your prayer request is for someone else, permission is required by that person; otherwise the practitioner will treat for you.
If you would like additional prayer support, please contact a Licensed Prayer Practitioner for a full session. Suggested full-session price is $45 for one hour.
How We Pray
A Spiritual Mind Treatment, or an affirmative prayer, is a prayer that declares a Spiritual Truth. It is a recognition of Spirit’s Omniscience, Omnipotence and Omnipresence, as well as a realization of humanity’s unity with Spirit. This treatment is a powerful method for setting the Creative Process in motion.
It is a direct, focused and organized method using five steps to get to your desired outcome:
- Recognition (God Is All There Is)
- Unification (I Am One with God)
- Realization (Accepting Your Desired Good)
- Thanksgiving (Grateful Acceptance) and
- Release (Let Go, Let God)
MARCH PRAYER: The Flow of Coming and Going
The Divine Flow of life is forever expressed. This energy continually manifests in each and every moment. The sunrise and sunset, the inward and outward movements of ocean tides, the coming and going of the seasons – these are wonderful reminders that Spirit is continuously present and vibrant. Flow is essential to all life.
This energetic flow is thriving within me and you. I am an expression of It in my relationships, challenges, accomplishments and life. I recognize and honor these experiences as they appear, then return to the One. This perfect circle of life is a continuous, natural movement; and I embrace that truth. I am Flow, Balance, and Harmony.
I take the steps into this knowing and whole-heartedly participate in this thing called Life. The rhythm of Spirit’s flow aligns with my spiritual heartbeat. This union is my natural state of being. Though the world may seem difficult and chaotic at times, I remember that life is a series of changes. I carry a deep sense of connection which allows my thoughts, words, and actions to consciously strengthen my inner peace. I allow and I release. I give and I receive. I arrive, and I return.
There is a wonderful sense of acceptance which brings an abundance of gratitude. I awaken to the self-realization that I am a unique expression of Spirit. I see, feel and know that this flow connects us all. We are all in this together. I engage in this movement of intentional choice, in this wave of expressive joy, in a surge of loving support, resulting in a mighty river of unlimited potential. I ride on this wave of life. It is Good. It is Alive.
And So It Is.
Phillip Flores, RScP