The Earth Stewards at CSL Bellingham

Enhancing the ecosystem resilience and human well-being.

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Earth Stewardship

Purpose and Core Value:

The Earth Stewards is a CSL Bellingham team organized to inspire, inform and provide resources to assist individuals and families within the CSL community to meet our core value: the commitment to being responsible stewards of the land, the Center, our finances, and to live mindfully upon the Earth as individuals and a community.

CSL Earth Stewardship and ES Team Projects:

  • Climate Cafés – guest speakers, videos, book study, discussion and sharing
  • Carbon Footprint Audit
  • Installed Air Filtration System with new heat pump in the Sanctuary, classroom, and office
  • Installed free LEDs

Resources for Education, Activities and Community Engagement

  • Earth Ministry/Interfaith Power and Light is a faith-based response to climate warming.
  • Sustainable Connections is a non-profit organization whose mission is “We create thriving communities through innovative ideas, collaboration and action.”
  • Multifaith Network for Climate Justice is a coalition of faith-based groups in the city of Bellingham and county of Whatcom, Washington, joining to share actions and strategies to combat and deal with the effects of climate.
  • Whatcom Land Trust is dedicated to climate resiliency in our food systems and nature sustainability.


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