Our Story – CSL Bellingham

A Light in the Forest

Reverends Colleen and Bob MacGilchrist

More than three decades ago, CSL Bellingham was founded by Reverends Colleen and Bob MacGilchrist with the vision that we would serve as “a light in the forest” for all who might benefit from the Science of Mind philosophy. (The whole story can be found by viewing A Light in the Forest 30th Anniversary video.)

The vision is alive in new ways today. Do you remember hearing about the days gone by when it was a common experience to have neighbors drop by on the wide front porch of their friends and sit and talk? Those conversations and gatherings were part of the fabric of life and served to connect neighbor to neighbor.

We live in a different time but the need for connection and a network of support has not changed – and that’s part of how we think of our “light in the forest” expressing itself in our beautiful spiritual community now. We are a metaphorical “front porch”; and not only do we have “conversations in consciousness” about all things spiritual, we also are intentionally seeking to live our spiritual understanding as a network of caring individuals who support each other through all the blessings and challenges that come.

Our caring extends to wise stewardship of our campus and a greater caring for the Earth. These are part of the core values of our Center and our outward expression of our spiritual understanding.

May you find connection, caring and a rich spiritual experience here.

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